Schools & Clubs

Bouldering is climbing without a rope and harness at jumping height on boulders and in climbing halls. It not only strengthens the body and mind of the individual, but also promotes team spirit in the group. You don't need any prior knowledge or a belay partner to boulder with a group.

children up to 12

3 €

children from 12

5 €


6 €

care per hour

30 €
For the visit we need one person who takes responsibility for the entire group and this with the letter of acceptance confirmed for groups.
For larger groups, several supervisors are necessary. Alternatively or additionally, our trainers can also be booked for visiting hours. We recommend that inexperienced groups book a trainer lesson for the introduction.

letter of acceptance

Club, school and other group visits must be registered at least 7 days in advance and receive a special rate.

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